This is the start
It's been many months in the making, but I've finally gotten around to building a place where I can store all my thoughts going forward.
I've been meaning to find an entry into online technical writing etc, but never felt there was a perfect solution for me. So I just went ahead and built a rudimentary solution for myself.
A more detailed explanation of the architecture will follow in an article at some point, but the main takeaway is that this is built using ReactJS[1] and NextJS[2] - hosted on Vercel.
Stylistically, it's had a _lot_ of inspiration from the very early forms of text on the web, to try and keep it as simple as possible (whilst still looking somewhat decent). There aren't going to be any flashy animations here, this isn't a portfolio site. The easier to read the better (79 columns all the way).
[1] ReactJS:
[2] NextJS: